Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween from Malta!

Hi everyone!!!

Sorry I have not been posting as much lately. Things have been rather busy. Happy Halloween! I have Halloween related stuff to tell you all about! I went on two ghost tours. One was in Valletta, and the other was in Mdina and surrounding areas. They were really awesome. Mdina, the silent city, is very creepy at night. During that tour, I also saw a cemetery that was a mass grave site for plague victims. Hearing ghost stories and how much history impacts them was fascinating. One of the ones in Valletta reminded me of slender-man. I thought it was cool how I could relate stories for locations that are a great distance apart. Do you all have any spooky ghost stories to share? Leave a comment if so! I also attended a paranormal circus. It was rather interesting. I was not sure what to expect, but I really enjoyed it. The paranormal worked really well, and the music choices were great. At the end, they did part of the thriller dance which was just amazing. I was surprised to see so many Halloween themed things while I was here. Halloween is big in the US and I wasn't sure it would be here, but I did see some Halloween themed candy, stores with Halloween things, and of course the paranormal circus. Here are pictures for you all!!

The Valletta Ghost Tour! Our guide dressed up as a vampire, Spooooky!

The Saint people prayed to regarding the plague

At the paranormal circus! We really were trying to look scared, but we were just not successful. At least we tried!

When I first tried to take a picture in the coffin, a skull guy cut me off and just stood there staring at me. I was not very found of him. The picture on the right is inside the circus! Creepy!

Eyeball candy! The perfect way to start off the Mdina ghost tour, especially with Halloween approaching! Mdina is creepy at night. It surely proved the nickname "the silent city" right. It was a full moon! Time for the werewolves to come out!

I thought the phone booth looked creepy in Mdina 

A store with Halloween stuff! 

I am sad I didn't get to dress up this year. Are any of you? If so, leave a comment and say what you are dressing up as! :) Everyone should!!! :) Anyways, I hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween! :)

"Hold on, man. We don't go anywhere with "scary," "spooky," "haunted," or "forbidden" in the title." ~From Scooby-Doo

Have a Spooktacular Night!
-Arianna :)

Monday, October 12, 2015

Cats in Malta! (And other random things)

Hi everyone!

I hope you have all been doing well! Last night, I saw a ton of stray cats and wanted to talk about them. When we were touring the Msida main campus, our guide said that students fed stray cats they saw and it evolved from there. While walking around, I have also seen random spots on the sidewalk that have bowls with food and water. It is amazing to see so may people taking care of and feeding all of the roaming cats. For the cats, they are not just homeless because the whole island is their home with  its residents stepping in to aid them. It's very different than from back home, where I do not see very many stray cats. 

On another random note, I saw the International Space Station fly over Malta. It was visible with the naked eye! Here are some neat facts about it. It travels at 25,000 km/hr, orbits the earth 15 times a day (astronauts see a sunrise and sunset every 90 minutes), and weighs over 400 tonnes. It was really awesome to see it flying over in the night sky. It went by pretty fast. I almost missed it! 

"Without the dark, we'd never see the stars."
-Stephanie Meyer

Until Next Time Folks,
-Arianna :)

Sunday, October 4, 2015


Hi Folks,

This week we went on a trip to Comino for a field study. The population in Comino is only 4! Sorry to make this post short! I promise to make it up to you next week! Here are some pictures!

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."
-Albert Einstein

Next week I promise I will do a quote from myself again!

Ta Ta for Now
-Arianna :)